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Beginner Pull-up Workout Plan: The Best Exercises To Get You There

Beginner Pull-up Workout Plan: The Best Exercises To Get You There

Pull-up training can be a huge goal for many people on their bucket lists. Just as the ability to do complete bodyweight pull-up exercises can make people feel a lot more confident than they do at their weight.

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Pull-ups have no easiness. Most people are unable to maintain the same back strength necessary for push-ups as in the opposite muscle. If your strength level is good enough for a pull-up, it's unlikely your ability will last longer.


What Are Pull-ups?

What is the basic definition of pullups? Pull-ups are upper body exercises that involve lifting your entire body and hands off of the pull-up bar and lifting your arms.

Pulling up involves several muscles in one move, thus forming an essential compound exercise. The movement must be done with the arm muscles in the back and not the shoulders.

Similar physiology exercise uses the body weight as resistance instead. As a result, when you pull yourself up and down, you work the entire range of motion.

What Are The Benefits Of Pulling Ups?

Pull-ups help build muscle, improve mood, and reduce stress and anxiety in a variety of situations a day. Make your upper body stronger. Because pull-up exercises utilize several muscles in one action this exercise is called compound work.

Compound exercises replicate movements and improve coordination, response time & balance. It also trains nervous system muscles and nervous systems as a separate exercise (versus isolated exercise).

The use of pull-ups in the gym can help reduce joint pain by increasing strength and flexibility in joints with no shin pain. Enhance your general health. Pull-ups can help improve your overall health by helping to reduce body fat and blood pressure. This exercise is ideal for those seeking to lose weight healthily.

It also helps with developing strong and toned shoulder muscles, back muscles, biceps, triceps, and abdominals. After regularly performing pull-ups you will be able to see a muscular definition in your body that you didn’t have before.

How To Perform A Pull-up?

The pulling is carried out by overhead bars. While pulling up you'll use your hand splint so you turn your hand over. It activates your lower leg and back muscles better as the thigh muscle stretches out. Here are the steps to do pull-ups.

Chin Up

To get the most out of your motion, begin by pulling your chin up and over the bar. Take a brief pause to ensure you are engaging all necessary back muscles then descend halfway with elbows in perfect alignment with eyesight.

Pull Up

Once you’re in the chin-up position, forcefully pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar. Squeeze back muscles tightly as you reach the top of the motion. Keep a slow, controlled pace on both ascent and descent.


Focus on the muscles that are being used in the back and shoulders. Make sure your body is parallel to the bar. You might feel a slight stretch midway through the motion, this is normal and a sign of proper motion.

Lift On Up

When you have reached the full range of motion, slowly lift your chin up and over the bar to the starting position. Exhale as you reach your maximum pull-up height.

Slow Descent

Take a slow, controlled descent that matches the initial ascent. Keep your body in proper alignment throughout this portion of the motion.

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These steps make up the basics of pull-up exercises. Now, you can move on to more challenging variations and progressions for enhanced results.

What Is A Beginner Pull-up Workout Plan?

A beginner pull-up workout plan can help you build the necessary strength to complete a full pull-up. With an effective beginner program, you can easily get started with your first set of pull-ups and eventually become adept at doing multiple sets.

You need to start slowly and use lower-intensity exercises such as assisted pull-ups, scapular pull-ups, and static holds for the first few weeks. You should gradually increase the intensity of your workout as you become stronger.

It’s important to dedicate at least two days a week to pull-up practice. You should also try to complete at least 15 repetitions in each set with good form. Proper form is key to getting the most benefit from your pull-up routine.

Beginner Pull-up Workout Plan

If you are a beginner, it can be hard to know where to start and how to progress. Here is an excellent pull-up workout plan for beginners.

  • Start with basic stretching exercises - Stretching your muscles before doing any type of exercise will help you warm up correctly and prevent injury.

  • Do upright rows - Upright rows are a great way to start building the foundation for pull-ups by strengthening your shoulders and back muscles.

  • Use dumbbells - Dumbbell exercises can help you increase your strength and endurance over time, making it easier to progress in pull-up workouts.

  • Perform band-assisted pull-ups - Band-assisted pull-ups are an effective way to get comfortable with the movement of a pull-up and help you to increase your strength.

  • Try weighted pull-ups - You can try adding extra weight to your body when doing pull-up exercises if you want to go the extra mile and build more muscle.

  • Make sure you’re getting enough rest - Resting for at least 48 hours between workouts will help ensure that your muscles have time to recover, making it easier to progress in pull-ups.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to any exercise program. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but with dedication and patience, you can reach any goal! With these beginner pull-up exercises and tips, you’ll be on your way to achieving your goals sooner than you think.

Intermediate Pull-up Workout Plan

The next step in your pull-up progression is the intermediate level. This workout plan will help you build up to doing 10 or more consecutive pull-ups.

  • Increase reps with banded pull-ups - To improve your strength, increase the number of repetitions you do with banded pull-ups.

  • Increase weight with weighted pull-ups - Gradually increase the amount of weight you use when doing weighted pull-ups to build up your strength and endurance.

  • Change grip or hand position - Changing your grip or hand placement by widening or narrowing them can put different muscles under stress, helping you build up the strength to do more reps.

  • Perform negatives - Negatives are a great way to reinforce proper form, as well as increase your strength and ability to get more pull-ups.

  • Increase rest time between sets - If you find that you’re struggling with fatigue or soreness, try increasing the amount of rest between sets.

  • Use a spotter - Having someone help you with pull-ups can help you push yourself harder and reach higher numbers of reps.

  • Join a pull-up class - Joining a class dedicated to pull-ups can help you learn proper form, increase your confidence and learn from others.

  • Record your progress - Record the number of reps and sets you’re able to do each week. This will help keep you motivated and help you track your progress.

  • Mix up your workouts - Doing the same exercises can be boring and can lead to a plateau. Try switching it up by adding different variations, such as chin-ups or wide-grip pull-ups.

  • Try ladder pull-ups - Ladder pull-ups are a great way to increase your reps and work on technique. This involves doing one rep, resting for 15 seconds, then doing two reps, resting for 15 seconds, then three reps, and so on until you reach 10 or more.

With this intermediate pull-up workout plan, you’ll have all you need to reach 10 or more pull-ups with ease.

Advanced Pull-up Workout Plan

If you’re looking for a more challenging pull-up workout plan, then this advanced level is for you. This plan will help you get to 15 or more consecutive pull-ups.

  • Increase reps with weighted pull-ups - Increase the number of reps you do with weight added for an extra challenge. This will help build up your strength and endurance even further.

  • Perform plyometric exercises - Plyometrics, such as jump squats and box jumps, can help increase your power and explosiveness.

  • Increase rest time between sets - Increasing the amount of rest in between sets will give your muscles time to recover, allowing you to put more effort into each set.

  • Try unilateral pull-ups - Unilateral pull-ups involve doing a single-arm pull-up, then switching to the other arm. This will help balance out your muscles on both sides and prevent any imbalances.

  • Add pauses during each rep - Adding pauses to your reps can increase the amount of time under tension, which can help build up your strength faster.

  • Join a pull-up competition - Joining a pull-up competition or challenge in your area can help push you further and keep you motivated.

  • Increase the range of motion - Increasing the range of motion by starting with an eccentric (lowering) phase before doing the concentric (pulling up) phase can help increase strength and power.

  • Do weighted negatives - weighted negatives involve using weight while doing the “eccentric” phase of a pull-up. This helps build up the strength and power needed to do more reps.

  • Change your grip or hand position frequently - Changing your grip or hand placement will help keep your muscles guessing, which can help with strength and power gains.

  • Try ladders or super sets - Ladders are a great way to increase your reps, while super sets involve doing two different exercises back-to-back for increased intensity and better results.

By following this advanced pull-up workout plan, you’ll be able to reach 15 or more consecutive pull-ups in no time.

Progressing Through Pull-ups

For your first pull-up, try doing 1 set of 4 reps with 30 seconds rest between sets; increasing your pull-up form as well as increasing the number of repetitions.

Also, try different grip positions such as a narrow or wide grip and different hand placement on the pull-up bar. When you are strong enough to do several pull-ups, use a weight belt to increase the intensity of your workouts.

Which Pull-up Is Best For Beginners?

When you decided to have a pull-up workout plan exercise for beginners, the best type of pull-up to practice are:

1 - Negative Pull-up

Performing negative pull-ups can help you gradually build the muscle strength needed for basic pull-ups. It is best when you are just starting because it allows your muscles to become accustomed to the movement.

2 - Assisted Pull-up

Assisted pull-ups are a great way for those who are just getting started with pull-ups. You can use an exercise band or an assisted pull-up machine to provide assistance and make the exercise easier. This type of pull-up will help you build the strength needed to move on to more advanced versions.

3 - Inverted Row

Inverted rows are a great alternative to pull-ups and target many of the same muscles. This exercise is performed by holding yourself upside down in a prone position, then pulling your body up until your chest touches the bar.

4 - Flexed Arm Hang

The flexed arm hangs are another great exercise for beginners. This exercise requires you to hang from a bar with your arms bent and your chin above the bar. It helps build strength in the muscles used to perform pull-ups and is an excellent way to get started.

5 - Isometric Hold

Isometric holds are a great way to strengthen the muscles used for pull-ups without having to do the exercise. To do this exercise, hang from a bar with your chin above the bar and hold yourself in that position for as long as you can.

6 - Barbell Rows

Barbell rows are a classic upper body exercise that involves pulling the bar up towards your chest. Barbell rows work the same muscles used in pull-ups and are a great way to build strength. Holding a barbell with an overhand grip, squat down and drive the weight upwards while keeping your back straight.

7 - Lat Pull-Downs

Lat pull-downs are a great way to target the same muscles used in pull-ups. This exercise can be adjusted to your strength level and is an excellent way to build strength without having to do pull-ups. Beginners should start with a lightweight and focus on perfect form for maximum results.

8 - Full Pull-up

Full pull-ups are the most challenging variation of a pull-up. You should only attempt this exercise when you have built up enough strength to do it properly. Keep your body rigid and hold the bar with an overhand grip, then take a deep breath and begin pulling yourself up until your chin is over the bar.

Different Pull-Up Variations

Once you have built up enough strength to do pull-ups, try adding variations that increase the difficulty. These include:

Hockey Grip Pull-up

This pull-up variation involves gripping the bar with palms facing each other. This grip will help activate your lats and core muscles to stabilize your body as you lift up and down.

Wide-Grip Pull-up

The wide-grip pull-up is similar to the classic pull-up except your hands are placed wider on the bar. This variation increases the range of motion and puts more emphasis on your back muscles.

Lateral Slide Pull-up

This variation involves sliding your hands outwards on the bar as you pull up and then back inwards as you descend. This activates more of your lat muscles, making it a great exercise for building strength.

Plyo Pull-up

This is a more advanced pull-up variation that involves explosive power. It requires you to start from a dead hang position, then explosively pull your body up with momentum and jump off the bar.

Mixed-Grip Pull-up

The mixed-grip pullup is one of the most challenging variations. It requires switching your hand grip during each rep, alternating between an overhand and underhand grip. This variation puts more emphasis on your back muscles as well as improving your coordination.

Towel Pull-up

A towel pull-up is a great way to increase the difficulty of regular pull-ups. To do it, hang a towel from the bar and grip each side with your hands. This variation puts more emphasis on your grip strength as you lift up and down.

Close Grip Chin-up

This variation is similar to the classic pull-up, except your hands are placed closer together. This exercise focuses more on your biceps and triceps as you lift up and down.

How Many Pull-ups Should A Beginner Do?

As a beginner, you should do as many pull-ups as you can until your muscles are fatigued. Once your muscles become fatigued, take a break and start again. It’s important to listen to your body and not push beyond what it can handle.

If you're just starting with pull-ups, aim for two or three sets of five to ten reps. As you become stronger, increase the number of pull-ups per set and add more sets as well.

It's important to note that pull-up exercises should never be done with jerky movements as this can cause injury. Focus on using a slow and controlled tempo to prevent injury.

Pull-Up Training Exercises

Pull-up works the abdominal muscles as well as the core and quadriceps. This exercise is an important part of your fitness training for a pull-up. To increase your pull-up strength, you can start doing some of the following exercises:

  • Pushups: Pushups are a great way to build core and back strength. Start by doing two sets of 10 reps and gradually increase the number of reps as you get stronger.

  • Bent Over Rows: This exercise helps develop stabilizer muscles and increase grip strength. Start by doing two sets of 10 reps and gradually increase the number of reps as you get stronger.

  • Lat Pulldowns: This exercise helps build pulling strength by targeting your lats. Start by doing two sets of 10 reps and gradually increase the number of reps as you get stronger.

  • Hanging Leg Raises: This exercise helps increase core and hip strength by targeting your lower abs. Start by doing two sets of 10 reps and gradually increase the number of reps as you get stronger.

To make sure that you are doing pull-up exercises safely and effectively, it’s important to use proper form while performing any type of pull-up workout. If you are unsure of your form, consult a personal trainer or fitness professional for assistance.

With the right training exercises and proper technique, you will be able to see amazing results in no time!


Pull-ups are a great way to build upper body strength and back muscles. The steps outlined in this article will help beginners start their pull-up journey. Start with a beginner pull-up workout plan and progress at your own pace. You'll be surprised to see how quickly you can build your upper body strength with proper training.

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