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The Water Melon Diet Review

The Water Melon Diet Review

[et_pb_section bb_built="1" _builder_version="3.0.47"][et_pb_row _builder_version="3.0.47" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Intro" _builder_version="3.3.1"] “Is watermelon good for diet?” you might ask. Well, the watermelon diet is not an official diet per se. But including a large amount of watermelon in your diet is helpful for weight reduction.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="Did you know?" _builder_version="3.3.1" border_radii="on|15px|15px|15px|15px" box_shadow_style="preset3" border_width_all="5px" border_color_all="#13A7E3" custom_padding="5px|10px|5px|15px"] Did you know? The amount of water present in this fruit can enable you get in shape. This is because watermelon keeps your cravings in check. Moreover, it flushes out poisons and enhances the efficiency of your digestive system.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="Intro" _builder_version="3.3.1"] Moreover, the act of chewing and swallowing helps you feel as if you ate more calories than you actually did. It additionally contains normal sugar to help control a sweet tooth. The fiber in watermelon can also help you shed pounds because that’s what helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. As a result, you avoid overeating.

Weight Loss

So, yes, watermelon is the ideal food for weight reduction since it contains a large amount of water and fiber to keep you full.



TOP Products we Suggest for Water Melon Diet

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Watermelon Slicer Corer and Server Tongs

- Easy to use
- Improved design
3.9 out of 5 stars (3.9 / 5)
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Final Touch Black Watermelon Keg Tapping Kit

- Transforms a watermelon into a drink dispenser
- Perfect for parties and outdoor entertaining
4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)
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H2wOw Water Enhancer Drops – ORGANIC & Natural Extracts of Real Fruit

- Only 3 calories per serving
- A perfect diet cocktail mixer
3.2 out of 5 stars (3.2 / 5)
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Cold Pressed Watermelon Juice - Deliciously Hydrating 100% Fresh Fruit Juice

- 100% watermelon juice
- Deliciously hydrating
4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)
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[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="Table - mob" disabled_on="off|on|on" _builder_version="3.3.1"]

Watermelon Slicer Corer and Server Tongs

- Easy to use
- Improved design
3.9 out of 5 stars (3.9 / 5)
buy here

Final Touch Black Watermelon Keg Tapping Kit

- Transforms a watermelon into a drink dispenser
- Perfect for parties and outdoor entertaining
4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)
buy here

H2wOw Water Enhancer Drops – ORGANIC & Natural Extracts of Real Fruit

- Only 3 calories per serving
- A perfect diet cocktail mixer
3.2 out of 5 stars (3.2 / 5)
buy here

Cold Pressed Watermelon Juice - Deliciously Hydrating 100% Fresh Fruit Juice

- 100% watermelon juice
- Deliciously hydrating
4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)
buy here

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Why watermelon?

A watermelon is rich in water content as well as dietary fiber. As a result, it is a popular summer fruit thanks to its invigorating attributes. A total of 97% a watermelon’s content is water.

It is the ideal fruit for someone who wishes to get rid of excess body weight. This fruit is beneficial for people with diabetes because of the all the natural sugar it has.

Watermelons grow in the tropical sub-climatic regions. Thus, it can be bought easily from all over the world. It is also not too expensive. Hence, it is great for those who often like to go on a fad or crash diet.

Watermelon is full of vitamins and minerals. The vitamins present include vitamin C, A, B-6, and B-1 and others. The rind of the watermelon is also edible and is beneficial for you. In fact, you can even consume watermelon seeds. They are great as a snack, and you can roast them easily. The seeds are full of magnesium and iron.


Nutritional Benefits of the Watermelon Diet Plan


Watermelons are the ideal fruit to help you cool off on a hot summer day. The water-filled fruit can also help wash down our bodies and help in weight reduction. They have some fundamental supplements to offer.

Watermelon is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamins B1 and B6. It also contains lycopene (a cancer prevention agent), potassium and magnesium. When it comes to calories, watermelons don't contain too many. 100 grams of watermelon only contain an approximate of 30 calories.

Also this fruit is fat-free as well as sodium-free. It also contains a lower amount of carbohydrates than other fruits. Therefore, watermelons are ideal for those want to have low-carb consumption.

Watermelon is also rich in a few micronutrients. These include vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. By consuming a cup of watermelon, you can get 17% of the daily recommended vitamin A value.

Vitamin A is vital for boosting the immune system and eye health. Meanwhile, with one cup, you can get 21% of the daily vitamin C recommended value. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps in healing wounds. It also encourages the enzymes to function optimally. Watermelon contains potassium as well. Potassium helps proper muscle and nerve function. It is also crucial for maintaining the balance of fluids in the body.


Weight Loss

Other Health Benefits


Apart from the nutritional benefits, there are other health benefits of watermelon as well. The fruit increases the percentage of arginine. Arginine is a type of amino acid present in the body. Arginine produces nitrous oxide to make the blood vessels relax. This allows watermelon to prevent strokes and heart attacks.

In men, following such a diet increases their fertility power. Watermelon increases the sperm numbers and motility. Moreover, such a diet aids in removing all the toxins from the kidney and bladder. As a result, you stay protected from infections.

Watermelons also contain a non-essential amino acid called citrulline. The amino acid is present in the rind of the watermelon which is often discarded. It helps to fasten the process of recovery.

Citrulline is also known for lowering blood pressure. Theories suggest that it can be extremely beneficial for patients with mild hypertension. Hence, such a diet plan is great for having a healthy mind and body.

Read this article and create yourself best diet plan -

Lycopene, a beneficial chemical found in tomato, is also present in watermelon. In fact, watermelon contains twice the amount of lycopene than a tomato. Since lycopene acts as an antioxidant, it helps to protect the person from free radicals. Consequently, you are safe from diseases and inflammation.

According to studies, lycopene protects the person against diabetes and heart problems. It is also effective against macular degeneration, an eye disease, and cancers too.

Watermelon is a low-energy-dense food. Such foods are ideal for losing belly fat as there are lesser calories in a large volume. As a result, you are more satisfied and full, and you eat less. You can also substitute watermelons in place of other fruits like bananas.


Watermelon Associated Properties for Weight Loss


Below is a list of how watermelons can help with weight reduction:

  • It is a diuretic and blood tonic. Facilitates fluid and waste end from the body.
  • It is hypocaloric. Each 100 grams of watermelon has 7 grams of sugar and around 32 calories.
  • It is a rich source of water. One of its essential qualities is that it is a rich source of hydration since it is comprised of 90 to 95% water. That is why watermelon is a natural and strong quencher.
  • It is a rich source of fiber. This natural property is ideal for keeping an individual feel full while eating less.
  • Fit for people with diabetes. This delectable natural product is fit for individuals with diabetes. It contains low amounts of starches and sugars that keep their blood sugar levels under control.


The Risks Involved


No watermelon diet review is complete without talking about the risks involved. Before deciding to buy lots of watermelons to cut down your weight, you need to be warned. Such a diet has a restrictive nature.

It leaves the people without a source through which they can get protein. As a result, the diet is not suitable for pregnant women or children. Moreover, it is also not suitable for individuals with a compromised immune system.

Such a watermelon heavy diet is also not a solution that can be continued long-term. Since it is a flash diet, its nature is short-lived. Numerous studies have proved that all fad and crash diets are useless in the long run.

Once the dieting period finishes, people go back to their previous habits. Consequently, they regain all the lost weight and then search for the next fad diet they can do.

This 24 day Diet might help you loss weight on a long run.

Experts don’t generally recommend such restrictive and extreme diets. They also don’t advocate for such cleansing. However, such a diet is harmless for healthy people if followed for some days. If you know how you can maintain the lost weight after the diet finishes, then it can be very beneficial for you.

So, make sure that you don’t follow this diet for a long period. This diet also has the potential of causing secondary side effects. It is best if you follow such a fruit heavy diet as mentioned below in specific steps.

Once the watermelon heavy diet finishes, make sure you follow a diet which is healthy. Try to stay away from junk and fat-heavy food as much as possible. Drink as much water as you can day every day. Also, incorporate some healthy exercises in your daily routine for an active lifestyle.


Types of Watermelon Diet


There are two different kinds of watermelon focused diets for slimming yourself down. One is slightly longer and lasts for up to 9-13 days. The other one is comparatively shorter and lasts for 5 days only.


1. Long-Term Diet


There is one long-term watermelon focused diet which is, in reality, a detox diet. The diet decreases the number of calories consumed. Thus, it is a successful method for getting in shape. This diet is easy to follow. Like with any diet, it's suggested you ask a health specialist before doing it. This diet has two stages:


  • The first stage

This stage is actually a mono diet. For three days you need to eat watermelon only. It is prohibitive in both calories and supplements. For a healthy person, there shouldn’t be any problems since it only lasts for 3 days.


  • The second stage

The second stage will incorporate 2 suppers every day. A watermelon has to be utilized as a snack between the two. This stage lasts between 6-10 days. This stage does provide little food variety. We suggest following this phase for a few days (which means only for 6 days).

Since watermelons have a great deal of water, you won't want to drink water separately. There is no restriction of course. You can have water between snacks and meals if you are thirsty.



  • 1 bowl of cereals with milk
  • 1 slice of cheese



  • 2-3 slices of watermelon



  • You can eat grilled or boiled chicken (skinless), fish or lean beef with no added fats.
  • 1 serving of mixed greens made with any vegetables you need. As for dressing, you can just utilize a couple of drops of olive oil and little measures of lemon or vinegar.



  • 2-3 slices of watermelon


2. The 5-day watermelon heavy diet


This particular diet is known for its detoxifying effects. As apparent by the name, it lasts only for 5 days. This diet includes a wider variety of food items as compared to the long-term variant. The diet produces effective results, as long as you adhere to the meal plan.

This implies you can't add any additional calories to your meal plan.


Day 1


  • 1 cup of coffee or green tea
  • A slice of watermelon



  • 1 slice of watermelon
  • 150 grams of boiled rice
  • 150 grams of boiled lean beef



  • 1 slice of watermelon
  • 1 slice of whole wheat bread
  • 60 grams of cottage cheese


Day 2


  • 1 cup of green tea or coffee
  • 1 slice of toast
  • 1 slice of watermelon



  • 1 slice of watermelon
  • 100 grams of boiled chicken. Make sure it is skinless
  • 1 slice of whole bread



  • 2 slices of watermelon
  • 100 grams of boiled rice
  • 100 grams of grilled fish. There is no restriction on the kind of fish you can have


Day 3


  • 1 cup of green tea or coffee
  • 1 slice of watermelon
  • 1 slice of toast



  • 3 slices of watermelon
  • 50 grams of pasta. You can also add tomato sauce in it



  • As much watermelon as you want
  • Vegetable salad


Day 4


  • 2 slices of watermelon



  • 1 bowl of creamy broccoli soup. To make this soup, you will have to cover half an onion and 3 cups of broccoli with water. Bring the vegetables to a boil. Then using a food processor or blender, make a puree. Add salt according to your taste.
  • 1 slice of whole bread
  • 2 slices of watermelon



  • 3 medium potatoes (oven-baked)
  • 2 slices of watermelon


Day 5


  • 3 slices of watermelon



  • 150 grams of boiled lean beef
  • As much watermelon as you want



  • 1 slice of whole bread
  • 60 grams of cottage cheese
  • 3 slices of watermelon


Both long term and short term diets involving watermelons are in reality low-calorie diets. The watermelon consumption diet won't damage your health in any way.


Our Top 4 Equipment Recommendations for Watermelon Diet


1. Sweet Slice Watermelon Server Tongs and Slicer Corer with Silicon Handle

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  • Easy to use
  • Improved design
  • 100% money back and lifetime guarantee




You don't need to look for the perfect watermelon slicer anymore! Have you ever wished there will be a superior approach to cut a watermelon? Are you sick of the mess you always have to clean once you serve the watermelon? Is it frustrating that you can't cut the watermelon into perfect slices?

Is your answer a ‘yes’ to all the above inquiries? Then the Sweet-Slice Sweet-Slicer is the perfect product for you.

This watermelon slicer and tongs with silicone handle is one of the best on the market. It is made using stainless steel. As a result, this cutter is made of superior quality compared to the other products available. The Sweet-Slice slicer is designed with a premium ergonomic handle. The handle is made out of plastic. Therefore, the knife is easy to hold. Moreover, it is also safe to put it in the dishwasher.

Just slice, lift, serve and enjoy. Spare time and take pleasure in those late spring days with the family. Sit back and enjoy delicious watermelon to fulfil the needs of your diet. You don't need to think about the effort and time it takes to clean up. Now, with the Sweet-Slice watermelon slicer, you can make ideal cuts. The fruit can also be scooped out from the base, leaving the inedible parts behind.

This is a simple to utilize blade. The solid blade cuts the watermelon, melon, or cake perfectly each and every time. The Sweet-Slice will spare your cash as well. It will also give you an opportunity to appreciate flavorful desserts. The basic "How to utilize" directions are found on the container.

With the deluxe comfort silicone handle you will not cut or hurt yourself. The company uses a higher quality stainless steel also used for the best knives. Moreover, it also has a deluxe comfort grip handle which is stronger than other products. This knife is completely safe to put in the dishwasher so that there is absolutely no hassle.

The Sweet-Slice is produced using stainless steel that meets or surpasses FDA measures. The rust verification stainless steel and enhanced handle weighs more than cheaper models. This durable knife is built to last.

Furthermore, the company believes in quality. Therefore, you are guaranteed a lifetime warranty on this slicer. With the offered 100% lifetime money back guarantee you have nothing to lose.

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2. Final Touch Black Watermelon Keg Tapping Kit

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  • Transforms a watermelon into a drink dispenser
  • Perfect for parties and outdoor entertaining
  • Easy to use




This curiosity drink allocator transforms a watermelon into a gathering fascination! This Watermelon Keg Tapping Kit from Final Touch is simple to use. Utilize this kit to transform an ordinary watermelon into a drink dispensing keg. It is incredible at grills, picnics and different events.

This innovative product can be effortlessly installed into a hollowed out watermelon. It can also be used for a pumpkin. Furthermore, it will also provide hassle-free dispensing for all premium cocktail creations.

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3. H2wOw Water Enhancer Drops ORGANIC & Natural Extracts of Real Fruit. Hint of Organic Stevia - 2.1oz bottles Variety 4 Pack

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  • Available in 4 variety pack
  • Only 3 calories per serving
  • A perfect diet cocktail mixer
  • Truly natural
  • Makes water delicious



It is made from extracts and essential oils of real fruit and botanicals. They source the finest ingredients from all over the world. For example, it includes cold-pressed lime oil from South Africa. They also add key natural electrolytes to keep you hydrated. Then, they lightly sweeten H2wOw to make an all-natural, delicious water infusion.

H2wOw is mixed with small amounts of organic stevia and organic agave. The mixture contains only 3 calories per serving. There are no artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives, or flavors in the mixture. It is truly a unique product.

This is a clear choice for your busy lifestyle. H2wOw is clear, perfect, refreshing and helpful so you can take it anyplace. The 2 oz. bottle is enough for 24 servings. H2wOw gives a concentrated recipe that is extraordinary for you in a fast-paced way of life.

You can utilize it in tap water, shining water, or filtered water. You can even try flavoring your iced tea to create something special. You can even add H2wOw to liquor to make an interesting and energizing beverage with a “waterlemon-y” flavor.

So keep one in your gym bag, have some on the kitchen counter, and take some to the workplace. You can take it along to restaurants or anyplace you want to improve the taste of water with a hint of watermelon.

The company believes in the slogan "Simply Squeeze to Please." So, simply give it a little shake, flip the top and press several squirts into your water or drink. Ideally, for 8 ounces of water, a maximum of two squirts is enough. With H2wOw you can customize your drink to how you like it.

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4. 12 Ounce Bottles Cold Pressed Watermelon Juice. Deliciously Hydrating, Pulp-Free, Natural Electrolyte. 100% Fresh Fruit Juice Sports Drink With No Added Water or Sugar (WTRMLN WTR)

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  • 100% watermelon juice
  • Deliciously hydrating
  • Fresh fruit juice
  • Pulp free
  • Natural Electrolyte sports drink with no sugar or water.
  • 12-ounce bottle.




Now, you can taste summer throughout the year with the watermelon goodness offered by this product. This recommendation is produced using the freshest, ripest and juiciest family cultivated watermelons. You can also update your exercise with 1.2 pounds of crisp watermelon per bottle.

Thus, you can consume more potassium than your most loved sports drink. This is also healthier than coconut water due to the content of potassium in it. You can also make your muscles celebrate with added L-citrulline.

With this drink, you also help decrease the risk of cancer due to Lycopene, a cancer preventive agent. There is nothing artificial about this product. It is gluten-free, BPA-free, and non-GMO. It is also vegan and pregnancy friendly.

This set comes in 12 Pack of 12-ounce bottles ensured cold on conveyance. It is ideal if you have a workout session planned. You can also use it to follow your diet while attending a BBQ or even a cocktail party. Make sure you keep it refrigerated.

Also, once opened you should consume it in 5 days. With this natural product you can keep yourself hydrated with watermelon goodness while you follow the watermelon diet.

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